Nourishing Your Way to Better Sleep: The Role of Diet in Sleep Quality

The relationship between diet and sleep is a complex yet intriguing subject, offering insights into how the foods we consume daily can profoundly affect our sleep quality. While the importance of diet is often discussed in the context of physical health, its impact on sleep is less widely recognized, yet equally significant. This connection forms the basis of an emerging field of study that bridges nutrition and sleep science. Understanding this link is crucial for anyone looking to improve their sleep and, by extension, their overall health and well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of diet that influence sleep patterns, including the types of food that can either hinder or enhance sleep quality, and provide practical advice on how to optimize your diet for a better night's rest.

Understanding Sleep-Promoting Nutrients

Certain nutrients have a more direct impact on sleep than others. Key among them are magnesium, known for its muscle-relaxing properties; tryptophan, which aids in the production of serotonin and melatonin, the hormones responsible for regulating sleep; and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to improved sleep quality in various studies. This section of the article will delve into these nutrients, explaining their roles in the sleep process and the best food sources for each. By understanding which nutrients contribute to better sleep, readers can make informed choices about their diet and include foods that are not only nutritious but also conducive to restful sleep.

Foods to Include for a Restful Night

Building on the knowledge of sleep-promoting nutrients, this part of the article will provide a detailed list of foods known to enhance sleep quality. For example, almonds and walnuts are rich in magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, while cherries are one of the few natural food sources of melatonin. Dairy products and poultry, which are high in tryptophan, can also be beneficial. We will explore how these and other foods can be incorporated into a balanced diet, offering practical tips and meal ideas. This section will not only list sleep-friendly foods but will also explain the science behind their benefits, providing a deeper understanding of how they contribute to a better night's sleep.

Foods to Avoid for Better Sleep

While some foods are conducive to good sleep, others can be disruptive. This section will focus on foods that are best avoided or minimized to promote better sleep. For instance, heavy or rich foods can cause discomfort and indigestion when eaten close to bedtime, while caffeine and sugar can stimulate the nervous system, making it harder to fall asleep. We will discuss these and other dietary factors, such as alcohol consumption, that can negatively impact sleep. This part of the article will also offer guidance on how to adjust eating habits and timings to avoid sleep disturbances, providing readers with a clear understanding of how to create a diet that supports good sleep.

Creating a Sleep-Friendly Meal Plan

Adopting a sleep-friendly diet is not just about selecting the right foods; it's about integrating these choices into a sustainable eating plan that complements your lifestyle and sleep patterns. This section is dedicated to guiding you through the process of creating a meal plan that aligns with your sleep goals. It's not just about what you eat, but also when you eat. Consuming heavy meals right before bedtime, for instance, can disrupt your sleep, whereas a light, nutritionally balanced dinner can promote a more restful night. We will provide examples of meal plans that balance macronutrients and incorporate sleep-promoting foods at optimal times throughout the day. These sample plans will serve as a blueprint, which you can adapt to fit your individual dietary preferences and needs. Moreover, we'll offer tips on meal preparation and timing, emphasizing the importance of a consistent eating schedule that aligns with your body's natural circadian rhythms. By the end of this section, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to create a personalized meal plan that not only nourishes your body but also fosters better sleep quality.

Conclusion: Embracing a Sleep-Friendly Diet for Overall Well-being

In conclusion, embracing a diet that promotes good sleep is a crucial, yet often overlooked, element of overall health and well-being. This guide has underscored the importance of dietary choices in enhancing sleep quality and provided actionable advice on how to integrate these choices into your daily life. Remember, the journey to better sleep through improved nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires personalization and adaptation to your unique needs and preferences. As you embark on this journey, keep in mind that small, consistent changes can have a profound impact on your sleep quality and, by extension, your overall health. We encourage you to view dietary changes not as restrictions, but as positive steps towards a more balanced, healthful lifestyle that supports both your physical and mental well-being. By prioritizing a sleep-friendly diet, you are setting the stage for restful nights and energized days, paving the way for a happier, healthier life.

Financial Well-being and Sleep Quality: A Comprehensive Guide

Financial stress, an often overlooked yet critical factor, can significantly disrupt our sleep patterns. In today's fast-paced world, where credit card usage and debt management have become integral to our daily lives, understanding the impact of financial decisions on sleep quality is essential. This article explores the complex relationship between how we handle our finances, particularly credit cards, and how well we sleep. Addressing this link uncovers strategies to enhance both our financial and physical well-being. It's important to note that managing finances effectively, plays a crucial role in this dynamic.

The Psychology of Financial Stress Affecting Sleep

Financial worries, particularly those related to credit card debt, can lead to chronic stress, adversely affecting our mental and physical health. This stress manifests as anxiety and insomnia, disrupting sleep patterns and reducing sleep quality. The psychological burden of debt, high-interest rates, and the constant juggling of financial obligations keeps the brain active at night, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and reduced sleep quality. By understanding and mitigating these financial pressures, we can pave the way for more peaceful and restful nights.

Budgeting: A Tool for Peaceful Sleep

Creating and maintaining a budget is key in managing financial stress. Effective budgeting includes responsible credit card usage, which not only keeps debt under control but also provides a sense of financial security. Knowing that your finances are in order can significantly reduce stress and promote more peaceful sleep. A well-planned budget ensures that spending is within limits, avoiding the pitfalls of debt accumulation that can disturb sleep. This approach extends beyond mere number crunching, embodying a lifestyle change that encourages financial prudence and peace of mind.

Dealing with Credit Card Debt for Better Sleep

Managing and reducing credit card debt is crucial for improving sleep quality. High levels of debt can lead to restless nights filled with worry. By developing a strategy to pay off debts, possibly through debt consolidation or seeking financial counseling, individuals can alleviate the mental burden that disrupts sleep. Reducing credit card usage and prioritizing debt repayment creates a more relaxed mind conducive to a good night's rest, fostering an environment where sleep comes more naturally and restfully.

Healthy Financial Habits for Improved Sleep

Developing healthy financial habits is paramount for minimizing stress and enhancing sleep quality. Regularly monitoring credit card statements, avoiding impulsive online shopping, and understanding interest rates and their impact on overall debt are crucial. These habits prevent financial worries that often lead to sleep disturbances. Additionally, being mindful of how and when to use technology for managing finances, such as avoiding screen time before bed, can further augment sleep quality. Responsible financial behavior extends beyond simply managing expenses; it involves creating a lifestyle that supports both financial and mental well-being.

The Role of Technology in Financial Stress and Sleep Patterns

The use of technology in managing finances, such as through online banking or shopping apps, offers convenience but can also impact sleep. Exposure to screens before bedtime interferes with sleep due to blue light emission. Overstimulation from constant connectivity can contribute to sleep disruption. Balancing the convenience of digital financial management with healthy screen habits is key. For instance, setting a technology curfew before bed can help. It's also important to approach financial management tools, like online banking or how to activate your SYW account online (as detailed in our other article), with an awareness of their potential impact on your sleep.

Case Studies: Financial Management Leading to Restful Sleep

Real-life case studies demonstrate the positive impact of sound financial management on sleep quality. Individuals who have taken control of their finances, particularly their credit card use, report significant improvements in their sleep patterns. These stories offer valuable insights, showing that disciplined financial planning can lead to restful sleep. They underline the idea that financial stability isn't just about being debt-free; it's about creating a holistic balance that fosters both physical and mental wellness. By sharing these experiences, we hope to inspire others to take proactive steps toward financial stability and better sleep.

Conclusion: Balancing Finances for Better Sleep

In conclusion, the intricate relationship between financial well-being and sleep quality cannot be overstated. Effectively managing finances, especially credit card usage, is crucial for achieving better sleep and overall health. It's important to realize that financial health is a critical aspect of one's lifestyle, contributing to restful nights and a peaceful life. Ultimately, financial stability goes beyond mere numbers; it's about crafting a life that supports mental, physical, and emotional well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Restful Nights: Mastering the Art of Overcoming Insomnia

Insomnia, often misconceived as just a lack of sleep, is a complex sleep disorder that affects many people. It can manifest as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early and not being able to go back to sleep. Insomnia often leads to daytime fatigue, mood disturbances, and decreased performance in daily activities. It's essential to recognize that insomnia is not just a nighttime issue; it impacts all aspects of an individual's life. Understanding its causes is crucial, which can range from stress and lifestyle habits to medical conditions and psychological factors. Recognizing the types of insomnia – whether acute, happening over a few days or weeks, or chronic, lasting for months or more – is the first step in addressing this pervasive sleep issue.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Better Sleep

Tackling insomnia often begins with lifestyle modifications. Creating a consistent sleep schedule is a fundamental step, aiming to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. The sleep environment also plays a crucial role – a quiet, dark, and cool room can significantly enhance sleep quality. Additionally, avoiding stimulants like caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime, as well as heavy meals, can help prevent sleep disturbances. Limiting naps, especially in the late afternoon or evening, and managing stress through techniques like deep breathing or meditation, can also aid in improving sleep. These changes may seem small, but they can have a substantial impact on the quality of one's sleep.

The Role of Diet and Exercise in Combating Insomnia

Diet and exercise are vital components in the battle against insomnia. Certain foods and drinks can disrupt sleep, such as those high in sugar or caffeine, while others can promote sleep, like those containing tryptophan or magnesium. Balancing one's diet with a focus on sleep-friendly foods can be a game-changer. Exercise, too, plays a critical role. Regular physical activity, particularly in the morning or afternoon, can promote more restful sleep. However, it's important to avoid intense workouts close to bedtime as they might have the opposite effect. The key is finding the right balance and timing for both diet and exercise to support better sleep patterns.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques for Insomnia Relief

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can be powerful tools in overcoming insomnia. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery can help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep. These techniques focus on reducing stress and anxiety, which are often significant contributors to insomnia. By incorporating these practices into a nightly routine, individuals can create a mental state conducive to sleep, easing the transition from wakefulness to sleep. The effectiveness of these techniques lies in their ability to shift focus away from the stresses of the day and towards a peaceful, restful state.

Navigating Professional Treatment Options for Persistent Insomnia

When lifestyle changes and self-help strategies are not enough, seeking professional help becomes necessary. This section discusses the various treatment options available for persistent insomnia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia is a common and effective treatment, focusing on changing sleep habits and misconceptions about sleep and insomnia. Medications may also be considered, but they are typically recommended as a short-term solution due to potential side effects and dependencies. This part of the article emphasizes the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for personalized treatment plans, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing insomnia.

Final Thoughts on Overcoming Insomnia

Successfully overcoming insomnia often requires a patient, multifaceted approach. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial. It may be necessary to try various methods to find what works best for you, as each individual's experience with insomnia is unique. Implementing lifestyle changes, focusing on diet and exercise, and incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques can be significantly beneficial. For those whose insomnia persists despite these efforts, professional help, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia, may be needed. While medication is an option, it's often seen as a short-term solution. Consulting healthcare professionals can provide a more tailored approach to treatment. It's important to remain patient and proactive in the journey towards better sleep. The process might involve trial and error, but the goal is to improve not just the quantity but also the quality of your sleep, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Ensuring Safety on Long Drives: The Importance of Adequate Sleep

Embarking on a long-distance drive requires more than just driving skills; it demands a heightened sense of responsibility towards oneself and others on the road. Central to this responsibility is ensuring that the driver is well-rested and alert. Often underestimated, the perils of driving while fatigued are significant. Fatigue can impair reaction times and decision-making abilities, akin to driving under the influence of alcohol. Thus, understanding and prioritizing the need for adequate sleep before a long journey is not just a recommendation but a necessity. This article underscores the importance of proper rest, offering practical advice on sleep strategies and fatigue management.

The Science of Sleep: Understanding Its Importance for Drivers

Sleep is a vital component of our overall health, particularly for activities that demand concentration and alertness, like driving. The impact of sleep on a driver's abilities is profound. Lack of sleep leads to diminished cognitive functions, slower reaction times, and impaired judgement. Scientific studies have likened the effects of sleep deprivation to having a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit for driving. It's crucial for drivers to understand that adequate sleep is not a luxury, but a critical element of safe driving. This understanding forms the basis for adopting healthy sleep habits, especially before undertaking long driving trips.

Pre-Trip Sleep Strategies: How to Prepare Your Body and Mind

Preparing for a long drive starts well before getting behind the wheel. It begins with ensuring that your body and mind are well-rested. Adopting a consistent sleep schedule days before your trip can significantly improve sleep quality. It's also advisable to create a restful sleeping environment - dark, quiet, and cool – to promote deeper sleep. Avoiding stimulants like caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime can also aid in achieving restful sleep. These practices are not just about clocking in the hours of sleep but about ensuring that the sleep is rejuvenating and restorative, setting the stage for an alert and focused driving experience.

Recognizing and Managing Driver Fatigue on the Road

Even with the best preparation, long hours on the road can lead to fatigue. Recognizing the signs of tiredness – such as frequent yawning, heavy eyes, and reduced concentration – is crucial. Taking regular breaks, ideally every two hours, is a key strategy in managing fatigue. During these breaks, light physical activity, fresh air, and hydration can help revive your energy levels. If signs of fatigue persist, it’s important to listen to your body and take a longer rest or even a short nap. Remember, pushing through fatigue can have dire consequences, not just for you but for others on the road. Also, it's worth noting the differences between sway bars and stabilizer bars for vehicle stability, which we explore in another article.

Vehicle Maintenance and Long-Distance Driving Safety

In addition to personal readiness, the condition of your vehicle plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe long-distance journey. Regular maintenance checks are vital. Before embarking, ensure that your car's brakes, tires, lights, and engine are in optimal condition. This not only helps in preventing potential breakdowns and accidents but also contributes to a smoother and more efficient driving experience. It's also essential to be informed about the various components of your vehicle that contribute to its stability and safety. For example, understanding the functions and differences between sway bars and stabilizer bars is important, as they are key to the vehicle's stability, especially during long drives. We cover this topic in more depth in another article, highlighting its significance for safe driving. Proper vehicle maintenance not only assures a safer trip but also enhances your confidence as a driver, allowing you to focus on the road and the journey ahead.

Final Thoughts and Safety Reminders for Long-Distance Drivers

To sum up, successful and safe long-distance driving hinges on comprehensive preparation, which encompasses both the driver's physical and mental state, as well as the condition of the vehicle. Ensuring you are well-rested through adequate sleep, recognizing the signs of fatigue and managing them effectively are as important as keeping your vehicle in top shape. Safety on the road transcends mere adherence to traffic rules; it's about a holistic approach to driving where your well-being and your vehicle's readiness are paramount. Always remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Prioritize your safety and that of others, stay alert, and enjoy the experience of the drive. Safe travels!

Finding The Most Comfortable Sleep Solution for Those With Dental Veneers in Vancouver

For those living in Vancouver with dental veneers, finding a comfortable and safe way to sleep can be difficult. Fortunately, there are a variety of options available for sleeping comfortably and protecting your new teeth. In this article, we will cover some tips and solutions for identifying the best possible sleep solution when you have dental veneers.


Sleep is an essential part of physical health. Without a good night's sleep, we may have difficulty concentrating, focusing, and performing everyday tasks. Unfortunately, this can be even more challenging if you have recently undergone a dental procedure like getting dental veneers in Vancouver.

Dental veneers, also known as porcelain veneers or laminate veneers, are one type of tooth restoration used to improve the appearance of discolored or worn teeth. Although they offer improved function and aesthetics, patients must take extra precautions while sleeping to ensure they do not cause any damage to their new teeth.

Benefits of Investing in Quality Sleep Solutions

Investing in quality sleep solutions is essential when it comes to protecting your new dental work, as well as maintaining overall good health.

Here are some key benefits:

Improved dental health: By investing in quality sleep solutions you can help protect your teeth from further damage due to grinding or clenching while asleep.
Reduced pain: Quality solutions can help reduce pain associated with improper sleeping positions that arise due to poor alignment of the jaw.
Reduced medical costs: Investing in quality sleep solutions upfront can save you money over time by reducing medical costs associated with complications caused by poor positioning during sleep.

Comfort Tips and Strategies For Sleeping with Dental Veneers

There are various strategies that people with dental veneers should employ when trying to get a comfortable night's rest:

Sleep on your back: It is recommended that people with dental veneers should position themselves on their back when sleeping since this reduces contact between the surface area of their mattress and the back side of their teeth.
Use protective covers: Protective covers such as rubber sheets or pillowcases can reduce friction from fabric against your new veneers while you sleep.
Avoid eating before bedtime: Consuming food or beverages high in sugar content right before bedtime increases chances of decay due to plaque buildup overnight.

Medicinal Solutions For Sleeping with Dental Veneers

Sleeping with dental veneers can be a challenge, especially if you have sensitive teeth and gums. Fortunately, there are a few medicinal solutions that can help ease the discomfort of sleeping with dental veneers. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be taken before bed to reduce any pain caused by the pressure of the veneers against your teeth and gums. Also, products such as desensitizing toothpaste and topical numbing agents can help numb the affected area for up to six hours after application. With the right combination of medicine and care, you can sleep comfortably with your dental veneers and wake up feeling refreshed!

ALSO READ: Five Benefits Of Healthy Sleeping


For those with dental veneers in Vancouver, finding a comfortable and safe way to sleep can be a challenge. However, there are a variety of options that people can use to protect their new teeth and get a restful night's sleep. Investing in quality sleep solutions such as protective covers and avoiding sugary foods before bedtime are key strategies for reducing pain and preventing damage to your new teeth. Additionally, taking over-the-counter pain relievers or using topical numbing agents may also help ease discomfort associated with sleeping with dental veneers.

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5 Tips How to Sleep Comfortably in a Car

If you've ever had to travel far by car and hotels were expensive or you just wanted to save money, you've probably spent the night in your car. Knowing how to sleep comfortably in a car is not a waste of time, and it doesn't matter if you need it for a day or a whole year. By finding the right place and showing a little ingenuity, you'll be able to sleep soundly through the night.

Tip 1.

For the colder seasons, buy a sleeping bag (or even two). What you will need in the car will depend on the place, the weather and what temperatures you are used to. In sub-zero temperatures, two bags will come in handy (they will be put on top of each other), as well as a blanket and a hat for your head.

- An inexpensive sleeping bag will keep you warm at -29°C outside. You can sleep in it in the car, and if it gets cold, put on another layer of clothing.

- Take a pin with you so that the bag will not open up if it cannot be pulled tightly around your head. If you toss and turn in your sleep, the bag will open and you will freeze.

- A knit cap will be much warmer. You can pull it over your eyes, so you do not wake up from the light.

- A sleep mask also comes in handy. You can blindfold your eyes with a bandana or scarf, or pull a hat over them, otherwise there is a chance of waking up at dawn, because it is almost impossible to darken the whole car.

- If you don't have a sleeping bag, staple two blankets with pins or lie down to sleep under a pile of blankets. Read more here.

Tip 2.

If it's hot outside, let air into the car and keep insects out. You can drape a thin cloth or towel over the window. It is very important to consider the weather conditions. Heat can be worse than cold because you will wake up in the morning in sweat and with mosquito bites. Lower your window just a few inches.

- You can buy a net for your windows or a sunroof. Try using an old mosquito net for a window or buy a new one.

- Take precautions in the heat. Cars heat up quickly, and if you are traveling in a hot climate (such as the desert), it can be very dangerous. If you overheat, you may not be able to wake up in time to realize that your body is dehydrated or that you are in danger of heat stroke.

Tip 3.

Prepare everything you need. Think ahead, especially if you plan to sleep in the car for more than two nights. You'll have a hard time finding the things you need in the dark. The things you need most often include:

- water;

- a flashlight;

- a pillow (or something in its place), a blanket, or a sleeping bag;

- a cell phone (for emergencies, alarm clock, games);

- a book (reading will brighten up a sleepless night);

- Hand sanitizer or baby wipes. Treat your hands before you eat, after you go to the bathroom, and every time something feels dirty. Since you may not have constant access to water, disinfectants will keep you from getting an infection or starting to smell bad.

- If you're riding in the car with other people or with cargo, you'll probably have to sleep sitting up. A car seat is not good for this, but if there is no other option, put a car pillow under your head and neck. You will feel much better in the morning.

Tip 4.

Keep your car clean. It's nicer to sleep in and orderly and easier to find the things you need, especially at night. If there is plenty of space around, you will be much more comfortable. If the car is dirty and smelly, it will be harder to sleep.

You should keep only the essentials on hand: water, a flashlight, a backpack with one set of clothes (unless you are traveling for a long time), and a towel.

A clean car attracts less attention, especially if it's clean outside as well. The neater the car, the fewer questions people will have. A dirty car full of garbage and incomprehensible bags looks suspicious.

To avoid cluttering your car, put things away for the day. Unless absolutely necessary, don't spread a sleeping bag on the back seats or hang a towel on them. This makes the car look neater when viewed from the outside and won't draw extra attention. This is especially important if you don't want to advertise that you're sleeping in the car. If interested, read here what size is a 35.

Tip 5.

Consider buying a tarp. This is an inexpensive item that will protect you from prying eyes and sunlight, as well as provide ventilation.

- A car covered with a tarp can look suspicious. Most people don't use it, so it might suggest that someone is sleeping inside. This will be a problem for you in some places (discussed below).


Safety should be your top priority, so be sure to always lock all doors. A car awning will provide protection from the cold and prying eyes. However, if it's hot outside, don't use an awning without good ventilation. Also, never start the car when the car is covered, as you can get carbon monoxide poisoning. Do not use a respirator that protects you from the cold air. It is difficult to sleep in and is just a waste of money. Sleeping in sub-zero temperatures will be uncomfortable anyway, and you can wake up with a sore throat because of the heat source. You can find something in between fresh and warm air by making a tent out of a heavy blanket by your face.

How to Learn to Sleep Properly, Even if You Are Uncomfortable

How to Learn to Sleep Properly, Even if You Are Uncomfortable

From a health point of view, it is best to sleep on your back. In this case the load on the spine is minimal, and it is evenly distributed throughout the musculoskeletal system. But what if sleeping on your back is unaccustomed and uncomfortable? We tell you how to learn to rest safely for the spine and comfortably.

Stop tossing and turning

Problems falling asleep cause you to fidget in bed for a long time. In such cases, falling asleep in the right position is not possible. Therefore, to begin with you need to deal with the causes of your insomnia.

The most common ones are stress and accumulated worries of the day. Try different techniques of controlled breathing, which should be done while lying on your back. They help to calm down and get rid of negative thoughts. Perhaps the most popular of these techniques is the 4-7-8 method. There is no scientific research about its usefulness for sleep, but it helps to relax. After all, the calmer a person is, the sooner he falls asleep.

The exercise is not difficult. Lie on the bed, breathe in through your nose for four seconds, then hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale through your mouth for eight seconds, keeping the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth. Repeat the exercise two to three times. Of course, the technique does not guarantee that you will fall asleep in a minute, but you will reduce the level of accumulated stress, relax and be able to fall asleep in the right position.

Calm down

The obsessive thought of falling asleep as soon as possible is often the cause of insomnia in both adults and children. In such cases, you can use a technique that suggests counting sheep to distract and relax. Counting, of course, can be anything, although it is enough to think about something pleasant and not dwell on the process of falling asleep.

Deal with the hands

Often many people find it difficult to fall asleep because they do not know where to put their hands while they are resting. You need to find a position that is comfortable for you, so try different options. You can fold your arms on your stomach, spread them out in different directions and form a starfish shape, or extend them along your torso. It is not advisable to put your hands under the pillow, as this puts additional pressure and interferes with blood circulation, which often ends in numbness of the hands.

Don't fixate on the position

Waking up in the middle of the night and changing the position of the body in a panic is not necessary. It takes time to form a habit. It is better, of course, to sleep on your back, but this does not mean that you can not turn on your side. And it is definitely not necessary to dwell on it, because the obsessive thought will lead to insomnia.

Adjust the temperature and humidity

It is very important to form the right microclimate in the bedroom. If you feel stuffy and hot, you are sure that you will not quickly fall asleep on your back, and during the night you will try to find a more comfortable position. Therefore, ventilate the room regularly: in winter, open the windows for a few minutes before going to bed and leave the room. Many people sleep comfortably at a temperature of 18-21 ° C and a humidity level of 40-50%.

Choose the right mattress

Orthopedic pillows and a mattress will help you learn to sleep on your back. Such pillows support the neck and head in a physiologically correct position, and reduce the load on them. This improves cerebral circulation and relieves muscle tension.

Thanks to the memory effect, the products adjust to each person's anatomy, ensuring a healthy sleep in any position. With them, it is much easier to get used to sleeping on your back. In addition, it is important to choose the correct orthopedic mattress, which evenly distributes the load on the spine, eliminates or prevents back pain, and improves the quality of sleep. With him to sleep on his back will be much more comfortable.

Form sleep patterns

It is better for adults to sleep at least 7-7.5 hours, and for children at least 10 hours a night. In this case, you should always fall asleep and wake up at the same time. With a constant schedule, biorhythms are properly adjusted and the habit of sleeping in a certain position is formed. Therefore, do not try to sleep for a week at the weekend. This will lead to a violation of the regime, which will affect the timely falling asleep and the quality of sleep.

11 Basic Rules for Healthy Sleep

Not only our mood depends on the quality of sleep, but also the entire day ahead. Moreover, a healthy sleep means good health and an attractive appearance. It's no secret and it's been known for a long time that sleep itself is a great medicine, and many women call it a source of beauty.

We want our sleep to be strong and healthy. That is why we are going to introduce you to the basic rules of getting a good night's sleep:

The regime

It is absolutely necessary to observe the regime. Try to make a habit of going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time, if possible. Our body needs order and rhythm, so it is desirable to accustom it to the regime.

Quality, not quantity

Each person, as we know, is individual. There are people who sleep for 5 hours, and they are enough, and some people need 10 hours of full sleep in order to feel good. But you should not strain yourself. Do not force yourself to sleep for a long time if you do not feel like it. On average, a person needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.

Airing and freshening the room before going to bed.

Fresh air is very useful and has a positive effect on rest. It relaxes and positively predisposes to sleep. It is desirable to ventilate the room (the temperature should be about +18-22 degrees).

Do not eat during the night and avoid refreshments.

The stomach and all other organs should rest at night. Do not overload it with food in the evening. Eating at night not only deprives you of the possibility of sleeping, but also provides you with nightmares. The same applies to drinks containing caffeine, because it will make the body work quickly, so it is difficult to fall asleep.

Think less and relax more

In order to have a good sleep and fall asleep before going to bed it is desirable not to think and let the bad ideas go. Do not sit in front of the computer or the TV, it is much more useful to take a warm and relaxing bath, especially with aromatic oils or sea salt.

Comfortable pajamas

For a good and restful sleep, your clothes should not constrain your movements, and not cramped body. Cotton or linen pajamas are ideal. The less clothes you wear, the better your sleep.

Positive sleeping posture

The best way to sleep is lying on your side in a "fetal" position. Due to this position, benefits for your back and healthy sleep are likely, and what is not unimportant reduces the likelihood of snoring in your sleep.

Adherence to biocycles

It is important to know that sleep is divided into cycles consisting of "slow" and "fast" sleep phases of different depths. The cycles last from 60-90 minutes, and in healthy people the cycle is closer to 60 minutes. For a complete sleep, it is enough to sleep 4 biocycles, which is how long-livers sleep! It is very important not to interrupt your sleep in the middle of the biocycle, or you may feel sleep-deprived and sleep-deprived.

Absolute Darkness

For a good and adequate sleep, the environment also plays a role. It should be dark and without any light irritants. It is even desirable to buy a blindfold for sleep.

A comfortable bed

A huge role in the quality of sleep plays, of course, the surface on which you're resting. It is important that the surface is flat and comfortable. It is desirable to choose a mattress that provides maximum support for the spine and creates a good environment for a comfortable and healthy sleep. If you have a mattress that is not comfortable and not the right one, then there is a chance to get back pain. This suggests that you need to change the surface, and buy a mattress.

Natural bedding

The bed should be beautiful, warm and pleasant to the touch. Scientists say that such a bed promotes a deep and pleasant sleep, and its fabric should be made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton)

Try to follow the rules for a good and healthy sleep, and you will not have problems with your health and mood!

Five Benefits of Healthy Sleeping

Sleep and dreams are still a mystery to scientists. But it is absolutely certain that they are good for health.

1. Sleep improves learning skills.

According to researchers at Harvard Medical School, dreams help recall and structure recently learned information. They can also help improve memory and productivity. When you learn something and then go to sleep afterwards, the information is absorbed ten times better than if you had given up sleep.

2. Sleep reduces the risk of senile dementia (dementia).

Researchers at the University of Technology in Melbourne studied the link between the REM sleep phase and dementia. REM sleep is the period in which dreams are obtained. It was found that older people who spent only 17% of their sleep in the REM phase developed dementia. Those who were in the REM phase for 20% of their sleep, however, had a much lower risk of developing dementia.

The risk of dementia increases when the REM phase of sleep is not long enough.

3. Sleep helps you experience emotions.

Although the incidents in dreams are unreal, the emotions that accompany them are very real. Dreams can help us experience certain feelings. According to Scientific American, during sleep we try to filter out emotions from experience by creating memories of them. In this way the emotion is experienced. If you want to apply the Legacy Credit Card, check here.

4. In sleep, practical skills are perfected.

This is especially true of conscious dreaming, where the sleeper is aware of what he or she is dreaming. Stephen Laberge, in his book Exploring the World of Conscious Dreams, gives the example of a surgeon who practiced his surgical skills in his sleep. In the end, he was able to perform many operations much faster than the average doctor. Practicing skills can be improved in a conscious dream because the experience is carried forward in memory into real time.

5. Conscious dreams help you overcome fears.

Perhaps you are afraid of heights. However, this does not prevent you from jumping out of an airplane in your dream. In a conscious dream you are safe, you can slow down time, control your fall and land gently. People who have experienced it report that they feel much better in the real world and that their fear of heights is greatly reduced. This is reported by psychiatrist J. Timothy Green in his article "Conscious Dreaming and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. If we respond positively to the worst-case scenario, new neural connections are made in our subconscious. This helps to permanently overcome the fears.

Regular, adequate sleep not only allows us to rest after a stressful day, but also brings additional positive benefits that everyone can take advantage of.

Three products for a good night's sleep

One often hears that the optimal length of sleep is 8 hours. In fact, the need for sleep is an individual, genetically determined value. For most people, it really is between 7 and 9 hours. However, the boundaries of the norm are wider: from 4 to 12 hours. It is known that Margaret Thatcher slept 5 hours, but Albert Einstein slept about 10 hours and claimed that many discoveries he made in his sleep.

In any case, every person should get their norm of sleep. It is proved that long periods of lack of sleep have a negative impact on the quality of life: there are irritability, memory deteriorates, exacerbation of various diseases is possible. Loss of just four hours of sleep reduces the response by 45%. Therefore, it is necessary to get a good night's sleep. But what to do if you can't? Pay attention to these products - they will help to establish sleep.

1. Cherry Juice

Cherry juice is a natural source of anthocyanins, the substances that make the juice rich in color. Anthocyanins help fight infections. The drink also contains a number of B vitamins, PP. But most importantly, it contains a plant analogue of the main hormone of healthy sleep, melatonin. 70% of this substance is produced in the brain between 21 and 7 o'clock. It is formed during the day, but then its action is weakened. The synthesis of the hormone is related to the amount of light that enters the brain through the eyes, so you need total darkness for sound sleep.

According to a study, people who were given a glass of cherry juice before going to bed for two weeks had a 30% shorter fall asleep time. Try this method, too.

2. Kiwi

Chinese scientists did another great study. Before putting the subjects to sleep, they were given to eat two kiwis and then observed. It turned out that all sleep parameters improved significantly. Kiwis contain many beneficial substances, including serotonin, which affects the production of melatonin, as well as the change of sleep phases. Thus, kiwi makes this physiological process calm, deep and healthy. And at the same time it strengthens the immune system - because it has a lot of vitamin C.

3. Chamomile tea

Traditional evening drink has a soothing effect. Moreover, chamomile contains apigenin. This action has similar effects to sleeping pills, but is gentler and not addictive. For a sleeping effect, it is enough to drink 270 ml of chamomile tea before going to bed (a little over a glass).

 The need for sleep may vary. It becomes a little less in summer, on sunny days and with regular moderate exercise, and increases in winter, on cloudy days, during illness, with high physical and emotional exertion.

How to Choose a Sleep Apps & Perfect Mattress for You

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you wake up feeling tired and drained? If so, you may need a new mattress. A good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being, and it's important to choose the right mattress for your needs. In this blog post, we will discuss how to choose the perfect mattress for you and how the Pure Energy Sleep System can help you get a better night's sleep. We will also talk about how to use an app to get a good night's sleep. So don't wait any longer - read on to find out more!

How to choose the right mattress for you

Sleep, along with food, water and air, is a basic need of every human being. Interrupted, poor-quality sleep has a detrimental effect on a person's physiology and psyche and can lead to irreversible changes in the endocrine system. On the mental side, poor-quality sleep leads to the development of depressive and anxiety-phobic disorders. Quality of life decreases, and the person becomes more distracted and irritable. It has been proven that the quality of sleep and a proper daily routine can prevent the development of diabetes.
Woman, Sleeping, Sofa, Home, Relaxing

How to choose a mattress?

Many factors influence the quality of sleep, but people often forget about what they sleep on. It would seem that what is the value of a properly chosen mattress, if you can sleep on any more or less suitable surface?
This widespread myth prevents people from finding exactly what will not only improve their sleep, but also have a positive effect on their health during the waking hours. In this article, we'll prove the necessity of orthopedic mattresses and help you find the perfect sleep products without overpaying.

Who needs a mattress

Generally orthopedic mattresses for daily sleep are useful for all people, regardless of medical conditions. It is possible to sleep on a folding bed or a squashed couch, but about comfort, and even more useful, this is out of the question. The constant pain in the shoulders and lower back, weakness and fatigue after sleeping - the true signs that you are sleeping on the wrong surface.
People with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system should be careful: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia require special attention. And to buy an orthopedic mattress - an important preventive measure, it will minimize the unpleasant manifestations of some diseases of the spine.

What mattress is better to choose?

The choice of a mattress depends on the age of the person and his weight. Below are a few tips that will guarantee you a comfortable healthy sleep.
Before buying a mattress, be sure to lie on it. It is strange to read this in an online store, isn't it? Yes, you can choose a mattress according to other criteria, by which mattresses are selected by consultants of the online store. But the tactile sensations are very important, especially when it comes to the orthopedic effect and hardness degree of the mattress. The mattress must perfectly follow the silhouette of the body without exerting undue pressure on the soft tissues and at the same time ensuring strong support for the spine, so that the person does not sink into it like into a hammock.

How to choose the right mattress for the bed?

It is important that the mattress should match the size of the bed. If the mattress is larger by a couple of centimeters, the soft layers of the mattress may deform. If the bed has an orthopedic base with slats, the distance between them should not be more than 5 cm so the independent springs do not fall through the gaps between the slats.

The Best Apps for Tracking and Normalizing Sleep

Healthy sleep is the key to a productive day, energy and good mood. Every year people's stress levels increase, as does the number of reasons to disrupt rest and wakefulness cycles. These problems can be solved with the help of gadgets - smartphones or tablets for which a lot of useful and effective software has been developed. We decided to tell you about popular applications for controlling sleep quality and counteracting stress, which you can easily find on Google Play or App Store.

Noisli: cat purr to relax you

This app has probably the simplest interface: you only need to select a sound from the suggested list to completely abstract away from external noise. All that remains is to adjust the volume to a comfortable value and set the method of broadcasting: through headphones or the speaker of the device.

The free version offers three sound options: the atmosphere of a summer forest, a warm night and the purring of a cat. In the paid options you can find though unconventional, but intriguing sounds, such as the noise of a campfire, horseback riding, waterfall, wind and even banging on the keyboard. Run each of the sounds individually or mix them together. To access the rest of the accompaniment options, you'll have to pay a subscription.

Daylio: Control your emotional state

The program focuses less on sleep analysis and more on the emotional state of the user. With customizable colors and icons, you can enter data about daily activities, moods and plans.

The Daylio app allows you to create goals and move towards them: switch to a healthy diet, normalize sleep and wakefulness cycles, get rid of bad habits, etc. And analysis of the correlation of tasks and activities with your mood will allow you to anticipate and deal with stressful situations.

As you use the program you will get a more and more complete and objective map of your emotional state. Trace the statistics of mood changes depending on the actions that affect your life and well-being.

Sleep Cycle: School of Sleep and Beyond

This app is designed to take the quality of sleep to a new level - thanks to the smart alarm clock you will wake up at the most appropriate moment. The program tracks which phase of sleep the user is in, and wakes him up within half an hour of the set time. For example, it is easiest for a person to wake up in the REM sleep phase, energy is restored, and the person feels awake during the day. You can set the alarm clock to the comfortable sounds of natural phenomena: the sound of wind and waterfall, birds singing in the woods and more.

Another feature of Sleep Cycle is the ability to analyze your sleep more deeply with the smartphone's built-in microphone. And for maximum accuracy of monitoring, you can synchronize data, for example, from the Apple Watch and the app.

A distinctive feature of this service is the so-called School of Sleep. Within the app, you can order a series of letters to your email to learn more about this mysterious phenomenon. However, the letters are only available in English.

This is not a complete list of applications for sleep, but for the most part such programs differ only in visual design, and the functional part of the services in most cases is the same.