Not only our mood depends on the quality of sleep, but also the entire day ahead. Moreover, a healthy sleep means good health and an attractive appearance. It's no secret and it's been known for a long time that sleep itself is a great medicine, and many women call it a source of beauty.
We want our sleep to be strong and healthy. That is why we are going to introduce you to the basic rules of getting a good night's sleep:
The regime
It is absolutely necessary to observe the regime. Try to make a habit of going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time, if possible. Our body needs order and rhythm, so it is desirable to accustom it to the regime.
Quality, not quantity
Each person, as we know, is individual. There are people who sleep for 5 hours, and they are enough, and some people need 10 hours of full sleep in order to feel good. But you should not strain yourself. Do not force yourself to sleep for a long time if you do not feel like it. On average, a person needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.
Airing and freshening the room before going to bed.
Fresh air is very useful and has a positive effect on rest. It relaxes and positively predisposes to sleep. It is desirable to ventilate the room (the temperature should be about +18-22 degrees).
Do not eat during the night and avoid refreshments.
The stomach and all other organs should rest at night. Do not overload it with food in the evening. Eating at night not only deprives you of the possibility of sleeping, but also provides you with nightmares. The same applies to drinks containing caffeine, because it will make the body work quickly, so it is difficult to fall asleep.

Think less and relax more
In order to have a good sleep and fall asleep before going to bed it is desirable not to think and let the bad ideas go. Do not sit in front of the computer or the TV, it is much more useful to take a warm and relaxing bath, especially with aromatic oils or sea salt.
Comfortable pajamas
For a good and restful sleep, your clothes should not constrain your movements, and not cramped body. Cotton or linen pajamas are ideal. The less clothes you wear, the better your sleep.
Positive sleeping posture
The best way to sleep is lying on your side in a "fetal" position. Due to this position, benefits for your back and healthy sleep are likely, and what is not unimportant reduces the likelihood of snoring in your sleep.
Adherence to biocycles
It is important to know that sleep is divided into cycles consisting of "slow" and "fast" sleep phases of different depths. The cycles last from 60-90 minutes, and in healthy people the cycle is closer to 60 minutes. For a complete sleep, it is enough to sleep 4 biocycles, which is how long-livers sleep! It is very important not to interrupt your sleep in the middle of the biocycle, or you may feel sleep-deprived and sleep-deprived.
Absolute Darkness
For a good and adequate sleep, the environment also plays a role. It should be dark and without any light irritants. It is even desirable to buy a blindfold for sleep.
A comfortable bed
A huge role in the quality of sleep plays, of course, the surface on which you're resting. It is important that the surface is flat and comfortable. It is desirable to choose a mattress that provides maximum support for the spine and creates a good environment for a comfortable and healthy sleep. If you have a mattress that is not comfortable and not the right one, then there is a chance to get back pain. This suggests that you need to change the surface, and buy a mattress.
Natural bedding
The bed should be beautiful, warm and pleasant to the touch. Scientists say that such a bed promotes a deep and pleasant sleep, and its fabric should be made of natural fabrics (linen, cotton)
Try to follow the rules for a good and healthy sleep, and you will not have problems with your health and mood!